
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A unTiLL Z aBouT Me~~

Urm benda nih dah lme tersimpan
dlm blog myspace ku~~
So juz 4 fun, ku post la kat blog nih,
psal ku dr A smpai Z~~
actually xde la psal ku sgt~~hehe

[A] - available?........???
[B] - birthday?.. 17th Nov~~
[C] - crushing?..
[D] - last drink you had?.. tea~~
[E] - easiest person to talk to? sis n friends~~
[F] - fav. colors?.. blue, white,pink,black...
[G] - gummy bears or gummy worms?.. ntah~~
[H] - hometown?.. Selangor

[I] - ill?.. juz got it..
[J] - job?.. everybody who has job vacancy?????..
[K] - killed anyone?.. who?me?no..u wish!
[L] - longest car ride?.. my skewl technique..
[M] - favorite milkshake flavor?.. vanilla....ice2 baby....
[N] - number of siblings?.. 7
[O] - one wish?.. "everybody always give me what I want..never had to work it was always there.."..well, I wanna be that..kikih
[P] - person who called you last?..secret~~
[Q] - in love?.. no comment~~lalala.....

[R] - reason to smile?.. happy,in mood love..
[S] - song you last heard?.. Touch My Hand...luv that song soo much...
[T] - time you woke up this morning?.. 5a.m~~(then sleep again....)
[U] - understand people?.. depends..
[V] - vegetarian?.. never ever..unless im diet~~
[W] - worst habit?.. uhm..whoosh, too many till i cant even figure out which one is the worst..*dush*
[X] - x men lover?.. oh puh-leasee...
[Y] - your number of friends on myspace?.. 740 sumthing larr if i'm not mistaken..
[Z] - zodiac sign?.. scorpio..

p/s: benda2 kat atas ni ade betul ade tak~~
so klu ade broken english, hope maafkan lahh yerr~~hehe...

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